Useful ideas on how to use tumble dryer sheets

I bet most of us have a packet of tumble dryer sheets in their laundry cupboard that aren’t being used. Personally I don’t use them in the tumble dryer. Main reason being our tumble dryer is our in the garage and I just forget to take them through with the laundry plus I am not a huge fan of using the tumble dryer and will always try and air dry our clothes to ensure that my laundry always always smells good.

What actually are Tumble Dryer sheets?

Tumble dryer sheets are meant to go in with your wet washing to help your washing smell good when it comes out. The sheets are coated with stearic acid, which melts when heated. This helps to reduce static, and increase the softness of fabric in the tumble dryer.

Here are a few  very different ways in which you can use them around your home. If you have further suggestions then please feel free to add into the comments below.

TV Screen and electrical items

Electronics are electrically charged, meaning they are basically magnets for dust. You will notice that your TV screen will always have dust even if you wipe it over every day. By using a dryer sheet to wipe your screen clean, the static is counteracted, meaning less dust will be attracted to them in the future.

Dry Spillages

Dry spills such as cereal, flour, sugar and soil can often be harder to clean up than a wet one.Next time this happens grab a dryer sheet and see how quick it is to clear away the spillage. As the dryer sheets are slightly textured on the surface and have tiny fibres which will lift and hold onto dry particles.

Pet Hair

Pet hair one of my biggest bug bearers and I never thought I would have this issue. Hetty isn’t supposed to shed hair but she does. I am constantly tackling her hair.its sends my OCD into overdrive its unsightly and unhygienic.Wipe a dryer sheet over areas littered with pet hair to effortlessly lift it and leave your home looking spotless.

Make your shower door sparkle

A really easy quick way of cleaning of the shower door is to use a damp tumble dryer sheet. You will be surprised as can effortlessness remove hard water and soap scum.

Polish your stainless steel and chrome 

A slightly damp dryer sheet will shine up chrome and stainless steel.

Smelly PE kits and gym bags

Add a dryer sheet to the bottom of your sports bag or even your hand bag to give it a fresh smell and freshen up.

Line your clothes drawers

Very simply place a sheet at the bottom to keep your clean clothes smelling fresh for longer.

Inside you cushions

Pop one inside your sofa cushions and left the wonderful smell drift through.


After your holiday line your suitcase with a few sheets so next time you use it, it smells fab.


Wipe the slates on your blinds weekly with them, you will be amazed and what they life off.

I hope these tips have been useful, as always thank you for reading. Please use my hashtag if you try these tips on your social platforms #queenofcleaneffect.

Lynsey Queen of Clean xoxo

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