Birds love nothing more than pooping on your dry clean washing which causes nothing but stress and hassle for us. There is nothing worse than hanging out your clean fresh smelling washing and having birds poop all over it. My washing always smells so good too. Personally I really don’t want to touch bird poo and scrub it off. Bird poo is also very dangerous. Histoplasmsis is a respiratory disease that can come from bird poo and it can be fatal. I found out about this when I filmed a County House episode for Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners. They wanted me to stay in a room where a lady had hung herself that was covered from top to bottom in bird poo! As if I would-have stayed in there…….
My bird phobia is really bad, I struggle to walk down our local high street and the children often have to protect me by surrounding me and I do struggle to sit in the garden especially if no one else is at home. If I hear a bird flap or a tree rustle. I run straight inside with an almighty scream. No wonder my neighbours think I am mad!
So what can we do to stop birds for ruining our fresh clean washing.
Some of my lovely social media followers sent me some amazing ideas so I thought I would share them with you.
Change the position of your clothes line. If your clothes line is near a fence, wall or a tree where birds can land then move it away.
Hang old unwanted CD’s around the garden. The don’t like to see their reflection and if the CD’s click against each other random sound patterns will help keeps the birds away too.
I have heard today that birds are very scared of owls. So invest in some garden ornaments of Owls to scare them away. I am not sure I will be even able to cope with fake birds in my garden. although I did find these ones that don’t look too bad. Garden Owls There are also these reflective hanging owls
Washing line protectors. Now this is a great idea and is also great for when its raining too. I am definltley going to invest in one of these
Now I did already know this one, so why haven’t I brought some? But hanging chimes are great for keeping them away. These twisting scare rods scare away all species of birds. They also look great too. Click here for the chimes
Bird Tape. I had never heard of this and what a great idea. Bird Tape is an effective bird deterrent made of polypropylene tape, which emits a penetrating vibration that birds won’t go near. I really love this idea and can’t wait to see how effective it is. Bird Tape
If like me you are struggleing with the Bird poop in your garden then I hope this ideas can help.
A massive thank you to my lovely followers who helped me put together these ideas.
Happy Washing
Lynsey Queen of Clean xoxox