It’s so important to keep your washing machine nice and clean as detergent alone isn’t enough to keep your clothes smelling nice and fresh.
Washing machines gain horrible smells from the build up of odours caused by the dirt they remove from your clothes and the hard water. Dirt sticks to the drum and builds up hence the reason we need to keep our machines nice and clean.
Tips to keep your washing machine clean
When your machine is not is use try to leave the tray open slightly just so this gets some air and dries out. This little tray is on and off being wet and never really gets the chance to dry out. Once a week take your tray out and soak it in warm soapy water and then dry it well before you pop it back in. Also clean the space it comes from putting your arm right in and giving it a good clean and dry.

When your machine has finished a cycle try to take your clothes out immediately don’t leave them in for too long as this can cause damp smells.
If you use your machine a lot a once a week give it a good deep clean is good. Just run the machine on an empty wash along with a washing machine cleaner, a do-lap of white wine vinegar or a cap full of bleach. Follow the instructions of the brought washing machine cleaner but for the bleach or white wine vinegar option put this into the detergent tray or straight into the drum.
This will help keep your machine smelling nice and fresh.
Then wipe inside the machine all around the drum with a nice clean soapy cloth.
Also weekly try to give the rubber seal a good wipe, you can use your detergent for this or mix some bicarbonate of soda with some white wine vinegar into a paste and use a small brush to get right into the rubber. The rubber seal picks up all sorts of dirt from your clothes and will also pick up minerals and hard water.
The filter at the bottom of the machine will need to be emptied regularly, try to do this at least once a month. Plus if you can access the back of your machine easily check the water supply pipe for any build up of dirt.
My recommended brought washing machine cleaner is the Dr Beckmann there products never fail to let me down. I have found a really good offer for you too just CLICK HERE
I also recommend you buy your white wine vinegar in a bigger bottle online to save you money. I have picked a great 5l bottle for you too. Just CLICK HERE
There are so many ways you can use natural cleaning products around the home like white wine vinegar and bicarbonate of soda, I have put together some great ideas which will help you save money and clean naturally HERE
As always thank you for reading my post
Lynsey Queen of Clean xoxox
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