
Wonderful uses for Fabric Conditioner in your home

Fabric conditioner is not just for your washing

Did you know that fabric conditioner can also be used as a home cleaning product? Or did you know that you can also use it as stain remover, you can also clean windows and floors and give them that perfect shine and streak free finish. Plus it also leaves your home smelling absolutely amazing.

Removing wallpaper

Mix up a solution of warm water and fabric conditioner grab a sponge and then apply directly to the wallpaper. Leave for around 20 minutes and then it was easily peel away for you.


Clean glass tables, shower doors, and other hard surfaces.  Mix the above potion into a spray bottle and apply directly to the surfaces with a dry cloth.  Fabric conditioner is great for stopping dust settling straight away. Very similar to how the tumble drier sheets work

Burnt of food

Hot water and fabric conditioner will soon get those dishes clean. Simple fill with water and add a squirt of conditioner and leave to sit for an hour or so and then the burnt on food and grease will lift away.

Paint Brushes

After a decorating session simple pop your brushes in a container with warm water and a some fabric conditioner to clean them up and keep them soft and subtle.

Stain remover

Apply neat to the stain and leave for a few hours and then wash as normal. Such a quick and simple method.

Hard water stains

If you have stubborn hard water stains apply fabric conditioner neat and let it soak for around 15 minutes and then rinse with a damp cloth. 

Please use my hashtag if you try these tips on your social platforms #queenofcleaneffect.

Thank you so much for reading
Lynsey Queen of Clean xoxo


How to clean your Microwave

The Microwave is one of those kitchen appliances many of us put off cleaning.  Its one of those items that is out of sight out of mind and as long as the outside of the appliance is clean the inside can wait.

Inside the microwave there can be food splatters and food spillages and often a nasty unclean smell.

The microwave can also be an awkward appliances to clean that you need to get the plate out and get your arm right in to reach the sides and the ceiling of the appliance.  Food can often be stuck so after a little wiping many people will just give up.

But there is such a simple easy effective way to clean the microwave and here is how.

1 – Fill a microwave safe bowl with warm water and grab a lemon from the fruit bowl and cut this into 4 quarters.

2 – Pop the lemons in to the bowl of warm water and put the bowl into the microwave.

3 – Set the microwave to 5 minutes and start.

4 – The water should boil.

5 – Once the 5 minutes cycle has finished leave as it is for another 5 minutes and let the steam from the bowl along with the lemon do its job of dissolving the grease, spilled food and grim.

6 – Remove the bowl and dispose of the water and lemons. Take out the plate if you have one and wash this is warm soapy water and then with a clean damp cloth wipe the inside of the microwave and see the dirt and grim come away really easily.

7 – If you have some really tough old food stain add a little white wine vinegar to a cloth and then rub and this should then come away easily.

8 – Dry the plate and pop this back and you will have a very fresh clean smelling microwave the looks like new.

I hope this simple tip has helped you.

Thank you for reading.
Queen of Clean xoxoxo