
Save time cleaning with these savvy hacks

When life is so busy with work, childcare, socialising, home admin, self care it can be so hard to find the time to squeeze in the housework! When I was on my own with the twins I devised my 15 minute clean method which has never failed me, I still every single day implement this method but this is not all you can do to simplify your housework.

I can get your house spotless in no time at all with these simple go faster tips.

Set your timer

Aim to get your housework done in short, 5-minute chunks, so you don’t burn out. This doesn’t sound like a lot of time but when you turn of distractions trust me it is. Set a timer for 5 minutes in each room and aim to do 3 rooms at a time. Just 15 minutes of housework do one chunk in the morning and one in the evening and you will find this will really keep you on top.

Saves your bigger, deeper cleans for your days off and involve the rest of the household to ensure it is done as quickly as possible.

Just remember when cleaning to always start at the top and work your way down and dust before vacuuming.

Keep your bedding organised

Changing over the beds can be a time consuming task so make your life easier by keeping sets together, keep pillow cases folded into the matching duvet covers. Keeping them like this will also take up less room in your linen cupboard, stack them well and just grab and go when you next need to make up one of your beds.

Window cleaning

Save yourself time and do not even bother to clean your windows on a sunny day as it will just double up your work, cleaning your windows on a sunny day causes streaks. The product dries quickly allowing the streaks to appear.

Use warm soapy water to clean the glass and a window vac to finish off.

For the inside mix 20ml of white vinegar into a spray bottle with the rest filled with water, use a good lint free glass cleaning cloth and away you go. Use the S shape so you clean the whole area well.

You will get the perfect shine.

Get a head-start on the bathroom

When cleaning the bathroom, spray the bath and the sink with a bathroom cleaning specific product and leave the product to work for 10 minutes whilst you get on with some other jobs, remember to open the window when cleaning the bathroom. Those 10 minutes will make a real difference when it comes to rinsing off, the germs will be gone and the bathroom will be shinning. I tend to spray the product and use the time to get dressed or tidy up the bedroom.

Clean up blinds with ease

Recycle and use a dry sock to clean dusty blinds in no time or a dusting glove. Simply run your hand over each slat. When you’re done, pop the sock or dusting glove in the the washing machine. Try to never apply water as it can cause unsightly water marks.

Keep your bin smelling fresh

There is nothing worse than a house that smells. A smelly house will make your home feel unclean, so as well as chucking open those windows deal with your bins. Use Bin Buddy to keep the odours at bay or add some essential oils to some bicarbonate of soda and sprinkle in daily.

Ensure you empty regularly.

Use fridge trays

Fridge trays make light work of cleaning the fridge, when you are busy you can simply whip out one tray, tidy and clean and put back. This will only take a few minutes saving you so much time in the long run. Don’t forget to line your fruit and vegetable trays with good quality kitchen roll as this will soak up any juices.

Stop those creases

Slow down the spin speed of your washing machine to at least 800 rpm to reduce creases and help you cut down on ironing time. Once the cycle has finished, shake the clothes out and hang straight away what does not need ironing.

Use the quick wash on your washing machine

As tempting as it is to pop your wash on a 40C cotton wash, you may actually be doing more damage than good. Washing machines are pretty advanced nowadays so you can be very specific about what you’re washing. The quick-wash is perfect for lightly soiled items and gets the laundry done faster.

Want to learn more about to clean up your home and save time then grab a copy of one of my books and I will show you how to clean your house and tidy up your life using the 15 minute clean.


Fresh bath towels

There is nothing worse than pulling a bath towel from the cupboard and noticing that it does not smell clean.

When shopping for new bath towels we naturally steer towards thick absorbent towels as they feel good and dry us off really well but thick towels will hold onto that moisture long after you have used it and moisture leads to bacteria which then leads to unpleasant smells. YUK

Keep your towels well aired in between uses.

When you get out of the bath or shower and hang up your towel you need to keep the air circulating so your towel does not grow any bacteria. If you have a window to your bathroom throw it open, even if it is cold outside you need to dry your bathroom off and get some air through your towels. If you don’t have a window use your ventilation fan.

When drying forget hooks as these do not offer your towels enough air, instead opt for towel rails, this way you can stretch out your towel fully and allow the air to circulate to all off the towel before bacteria starts to grow.

If you have room on your washing line and it is a good drying day pop outside and let it air dry for 30 minutes or so.

How to wash bath towels

Towels are thick, heavy, and designed to absorb water. So when it goes into your washing machine, it’s going to absorb all of the water and laundry products you are using.  The key with washing towels is to never over use laundry products, stick to the correct dosage as displayed on the packaging/bottle. You may think that because they are bigger and thicker than other items you wash that you will need more but trust me you don’t. Using too much product can actually make your towels smell bad!

Make sure not to overfill your washing machine, with towels think less is more. Using the correct dose of detergent and not overloading your machine will help the water evenly distribute and properly rinse those towels. 

Wash towels together and not with other laundry, washing towels with clothes can transfer germs and bacteria between items in the wash. For sanitary reasons, you should always wash bath towels separately from clothing items. Putting towels in their own load also makes it easier to adjust the setting if you are washing different colour towels be sure to add in a colour catcher. It’s also easier to dry towels in the same load since damp towels dry slower than most clothes. Towels will also rub against your clothes, shortening their lifespan.

Say NO to fabric conditioner

Trust me fabric conditioner is doing your towels no favours and will take away the absorbency and the soft bouncing feeling. Fabric conditioner is actually a soft wax coating that conditions clothes, makes them feel softer and loosens fibres. If you loosen the fibres in your towels the absorbency will slowly disappear.

If you are wanting to use fabric conditioner because you want your towels to smell fresh and give the bathroom an added scent then use it in every 3rd or 4th towel wash.

My top tip for soft fluffy towels is to use white vinegar, white vinegar is a natural disinfectant so will add in an extra layer of protection to element bacteria even when washing at lower temperatures and the vinegar will strip away and residue that is in your towels from products.

Don’t worry your towels will not come out smelling of vinegar as the smell disperses.

The DO’s and DON’T’s of fabric conditioner

Shake towels before drying

Give your towels a shake when taking them out of the washing machine. This will help fluff them and aid absorbency. Shaking your towels also helps prevent them from twisting into a ball in the dryer, lengthening their drying time.

How to Dry Towels

Ensure that towels are dry when you remove them from the tumble dryer, keeping in mind that clothes dry quicker than towels so the cycle will be longer. Even slightly damp towels can quickly mildew. The best dryer setting for towels is the regular or automatic setting that you use for other durable fabrics. This will use the highest heat and be most efficient in getting the job done. Avoid over-drying as it can destroy the individual cotton fibers. Use tumble dryer balls to keep the air flowing freely and speed up the dryer time, the balls absorb water and I recommend using 6 dryer balls for a towel load.

Drying outside is always my preferred option for towels, they normally line dry within 3 to 6 hours dependent on the weather, good quality towels will always come in soft and fluffy. If your towels are coming in a little crisp and hard pop them in the dryer for 5 minutes before you put them away or in the bathroom.

If you don’t have a tumble dryer to use over the winter months it is worth bearing in mind that towels can take up to 24 hours to dry indoors, ensure they are well spaced out on a drying rack in a well ventilated space.

Follow Towel Care Instructions

Good-quality bath towels can last for 10 years with proper care. Always check the label on your towels for particular care instructions before proceeding with washing and drying.

I have been a huge fan of Hampton and Astley towels for many years, they wash beautifully. So for me it is definitely worth paying a little extra for good quality long lasting towels.

Want to learn more laundry tips then grab a copy of one of my books and I will show you how to clean your house and tidy up your life

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How to keep your flowers lasting longer

No doubt you will receive a beautiful bunch of flowers on special days throughout the year and the longer they last the better.

Here are a few of my clever tips to keep them looking fresher for longer.

Make sure you use a clean vase, many washing up liquids can leave behind a residue, so I suggest cleaning your vase with white vinegar or lemon juice and rinse well.

Cut the stems at a 45-degree angle using sharpen scissors.

Fill your vase with water and add flower food, most bouquets come with a sachet.

Remove any leaves that sit beneath the water line.

Don’t put your flowers in direct sunlight or near a heated radiator.

Keep away from your fruit bowl some fruits can produce high levels of ethylene that can promote ethylene production in cut flowers.

There are also a few additional things you add to the water to keep them lasting longer.

A copper coin such as a 2p piece, these contain antimicrobial properties which will prevent bacteria growing.  

Bleach, a splash of bleach into the water will keep them thriving for longer, the bleach will also prevent the water from becoming cloudy and inhibits bacterial growth.

Hairspray, spritzing hairspray over an arranged vase of flowers will keep them looking pristine for longer without wilting.

Aspirin, crush up an aspirin into your vase of flowers, the aspirin is said to lower the PH level of the water which allows it to travel through the flower faster, again preventing wilting.

White vinegar also lowers the PH level.

Don’t forget to change the water every few days.

For more tips then grab a copy of one of my books and I will show you how to clean your house and tidy up your life


The best laundry hacks

Most of us don’t enjoy doing the laundry. Yet that pile just keeps on getting bigger and bigger.

But a few simple tips and tricks can make your life so much easier.

Keep socks paired in a mesh laundry bag.

Those mesh bags that we use for bras and delicates are also great at keeping small items from getting lost too. Most houses definitely have a sock monster. A top tip to get in the habit of is using a mesh bag for your socks, leave it next to or hanging in your laundry hamper and then as you take your socks off toss them in. When it is full add the mesh bag straight to the wash.

Zip your zips up

Not only can the zipper itself break or damage the drum in your machine, but the sharp metal teeth of the zipper can snag on fabric or lace and ruin your delicate items. To avoid this, be sure to zip up any clothing items with a zip before adding to your washing machine.

Keep white chalk in the laundry cupboard to treat grease stains.

Why I hear you asking, chalk is ultra – absorbent, you can rub a bit on any oily or grease stain as they happen and the chalk will absorb the grease and keep the stain from setting until you wash your garment.

For more stain tips check out my stain busting guide.

Decrease your clothes with ice cubes.

If you have a tumble dryer you can quickly “iron” your clothes with the ice cube tip. Just pop in the wrinkled items no more than 3 otherwise it won’t work into the dryer with an ice cube or two, on the warmest possible setting for 10 minutes, and let the ice cube create steam in the dryer to leave your clothes looking smooth. This is perfect tip for when you need something quick for a night out, let the steam do the work whilst you are getting ready.

Put your clothes in the freezer.

It won’t kill bacteria, but an overnight stay in the freezer will help to refresh your clothes and combat odours enough to, say, wear that pair of jeans one more time before washing them. Alternatively if it is freezing cold day pop them outside for a few hours, the frozen air will do the same and if the sun is out the sun will act as a natural disinfectant.

Ditch dryer sheets for woollen dryer balls.

Dryer sheets are great for fragrance but not a lot else so instead, go for a pack of woollen dryer balls they will keep the air moving, smooth out wrinkles and speeding up your drying time. Add 3 to a small load and 6 to a larger load.

Hand-wash your clothes in a salad spinner.

Those hand-wash-only items can be a pain to clean. But small items can be thrown into a salad spinner if you have one, add a bit of laundry detergent or Castile soap with water to give them a wash, this will be more powerful than hand-massaging but gentler than the washing machine. You can also use the spinner to dry them afterwards!

Use this tip for swimwear too.

Pre-soak your Sweaty sports clothes in vinegar.

For that foul-smelling load of gym clothes, soak your clothes in a half a cup of white vinegar mixed with cold water for at least an hour before washing. This will help remove unpleasant smells and break down sweat stains.

Prevent Colour Runs

If you’re not one to separate clothes by colours or have loads that are too small then try using a colour catcher. These magical little sheets lock dye in and you can actually see the colour has been absorbed when the wash is done. You can get reusable ones that last up-to 30 washes. But I still recommend trying to keep your whites together.

Shake your clothes to make them dry faster

To help clothes dry quicker, try shaking out some of the excess water before hanging or adding to the dryer. It will open up the fabric and make them dry faster with fewer wrinkles.

Or you can also speed up drying time by throwing a dry towel into a load of wet clothes for the first 15 minutes of the drying cycle. The towel will absorb a lot of the water.

garments image 1

How often should you wash your garments

Just because you have worn something it does not mean it needs to go straight into the wash. When it comes to clothing, you shouldn’t gauge when to wash items by time at all, but instead by how many times you’ve worn them. Laundry is a time consuming chore so if we can cut back a few washes a week it will save us both time and money.

My following recommendations are meant as general guidelines rather than hard and fast rules. Remember, a sniff check is still a quick and easy way to determine when it’s time for a wash. And of course, common sense applies. For example if you have been at home all day then you know your items aren’t dirty but if you have been out sitting in public places, playing in the park with your children and using public transport then your clothing will most probably need washing.

Also Items will need washing more often during the sweltering summer months.

Don’t forget that you can also refresh your clothes rather than wash them, use a garment steamer to remove creases, kill germs and refresh or use a clothing fabric refresher spray to fragrance and freshen up.

After every wear

Tights, Knickers, pants, socks, shirts, camisoles, vest tops, blouses, leggings, swim suits and sportswear.

The commonality among the garments in this section is that they are close-fitting, which means they’re more likely to absorb your perspiration and body oils and will require frequent cleaning to bust bacteria and continue smelling fresh.

Every 2 to 3 wears

Dresses, trousers, skirts, jumpers, sweaters, jeans, trousers, PJ’s and bra’s

This is where you need to use your common sense and maybe your nose. If you’re wearing a camisole or vest top underneath your sweater, jumper or dress then you can probably get multiple uses. PJ’s will last you a few nights simply because you’re inactive while sleeping, but the other items on this list can actually wear out from over-washing. Washing a bra too often can damage its elasticity, which is crucial for proper support, and jeans will fade or wear thin in too many wash cycles.

More bra washing tips

Every week

Bathmats, pillow cases, sheets and duvet covers


Dressing gowns, pillow protectors, mattress protectors, throws and blankets if being used regularly and door mats.

Once a month

Shower curtains and cushion covers

Every season

Pillows, duvets, outwear, hats, gloves and scarfs

Unless you’ve dropped food on your coat or stained it in some other way, you really don’t need to wash it very often. Same goes for winter accessories, although these items need to be washed a bit more frequently as they’re in closer contact with your skin so can more easily pick up body odours.

How to look after and clean your pillows


Chorizo and pearl barley soup

This is the perfect soup to warm you up, fill you with goodness and is so easy to make, as it is so filling you can have this for a winter tea with warm crusty bread.

I used ASDA pearl barley which is 65p for a 500g bag, chorizo sausage which was £2.50 and the chopped tomatoes at 65p a tin. An inexpensive family meal under £5 or a weeks worth of lunches for 1 person.

This recipe will make up 6 generous bowls.


75g of diced chorizo

1 large white onion finely chopped

2 large carrots

2 celery stalks

2 cloves of garlic crushed

150g of pearl barley

1 tin of chopped tomatoes

1 tbsp harissa paste

1 tbsp turmeric

1 litre of vegetable stock


Heat up some olive oil in a large pan and fry off the chorizo until it starts to look crispy. Add in the diced onion, celery and carrot and soften.

Add in the harissa paste and the turmeric, stir and fry for a few more minutes. Add in the 1 litre of stock, the pearl barley and tin of tomatoes. simmer for 30 minutes as this soup gets quite thick add in more boiled water if needed.

Part blend when you are happy with the consistency and serve.

I love soup especially in the cooler months so I have plenty more tasty recipes for you to make, just click here.


Keep your bedroom clutter free

Put away your laundry after drying. 

A very easy way for clutter to start building up is after a load of laundry. Instead of shoving your cleaned laundry into your room and plonking it on the side put it away immediately. When you fold your clothes fresh out of the wash, you decrease the chance of wrinkles too so it is a win win.

Just follow this simple process.

Fold, sort, and put away your clean clothes right after the wash.

If you are finding that you don’t have enough room for your clothes in your wardrobe and drawers then maybe this is a sign you need to get rid of some.

Adapt a seasonal wardrobe and clothes that you are not currently wearing store in vacuum pack bags or use under the bed storage bags to create more room. If you don’t have under the bed storage you can store in the garage shed, garage or loft.

Clean your room regularly.

Little and often is always the key to keeping a tidy organised space, so Instead of waiting a couple of weeks to do your bedroom clean, do small bursts a few times a week an include a little decluttering and organising. Don’t forget to change your sheets weekly if time allows.

If you have a small amount of clutter on your desk or in the corner of your room, go take care of it. Don’t let the mess build up. You can save yourself a hassle in the future by tackling those clutter zones.

Vacuum your room at least once a week and if you have a pet that likes to sit in your bedroom do this more often as pet hair can add to allergies and encourage more dust-mites.

Air your bedroom every day, even when it is freezing outside letting a burst of cold fresh air into your bedroom can make it feel so much better and fresher and combat any nasty odours.

Avoid over-buying. 

Many people have problems with hoarding materials or purchasing impulse buys. If you are one of these people, attempt to limit the number of belongings you purchase. If you are going to treat yourself to something new, ask yourself : Will this fit into my wardrobe ? Do I really need it and are you buying this item for the right reason?

If you upgrading an item for example treating yourself to a new coat decide if you are willing to purge the original.

When it comes to bedroom accessories, it is great to have some personal touches and a pop of colour but too many can over clutter so choose wisely.


Under stairs storage ideas

If you haven’t kicked off your January spring clean yet, the cupboard under the stairs is a great place to start.

Whether you use this space to store your ironing board, vacuum, coats or shoes this cupboard can get messy quickly. It is definitely one of those out of sight out of mind spaces!

But when creating an effective storage solution, the often awkward sloping ceilings in these cupboards means that you need to be savvy about how you use the space as there’s often not much to work with. Luckily, there are plenty of products out there that can help. I rounded up some of our favourite under-stairs storage ideas so you can turn this clutter hot-spot into a functional, stress-free zone.

Slim storage cart

Space can be tight under the stairs, but a slim storage cart is ideal for fitting into any awkward gaps. It can be wheeled in and out for easy access to your stuff, like cleaning supplies, shopping bags, art and crafts etc. Also great to use in other areas of your home such as your bathroom, garage, laundry room, office space or in-between your washer and dryer. 

Expandable shelves

If you find your cupboard narrows as it goes right under the stairs you may find this expandable shelves useful as they can fit into this small gap and give you some really good storage. Easy to install – No need to drill holes, using the principle of friction and tension they go tight against the wall, with no damage to your walls.

Over the door organisers

Over-the-door organisers are a great way to ensure you’re utilising every inch of space but sometimes the doors to under-stairs cupboards are slanted, so you can’t use them. so instead, use magic hooks as these are great for keeping your broom, mop and dustpan and brush neatly off the floor or for hanging coats and fold flat laundry baskets. Just remember that once you have position magic hooks they can’t be removed easily, and avoid sticking too walls.

Storage boxes with lids

Stack these storage boxes on top of each other to utilise space effectively. label them clearly this way you know exactly what is in each one.

Strip lights

Dread going in your dingy, dark under stairs cupboard? Then ensure you use some battery-powered strip lights these will keep everything illuminated so you can see exactly what you have to hand at all times.


How often should we wash our bed sheets

This is a question I get asked all of the time and to me the very simple answer is every single week. But this can vary on the type of person you are and how much time you have.

The average time we spend in our beds a week is between 40 and 60 hours. Which is a lot of time for our beds to get dirty and sweaty! Bodily fluids, sweat, hair, dust, dead skin are all factors that make our bedding dirty.

If we don’t wash our bedding on a regular basis, our dirty sheets can result in itchy skin, allergies, acne breakouts, asthma and more. To keep in good health sleep is vital so you need a have a laundry routine that keeps your bedding clean and smelling fresh.

I make a point of doing sheets on a Sunday mainly because I have time this day and it sets me up well for the week ahead. And if you follow along on my socials you will know all about – CLEAN SHEETS SUNDAY!

How Often Should You Wash Your Sheets

Sheets should be washed at least once a week. If you don’t sleep in your bed everyday because you work away a lot or stay with a partner then this could be extended to once every other week. But even when you are not sleeping in your bed a layer of dust will appear on top.

Sheets should be washed more frequently than once every week for some people. Washing every 3-4 days is suggested if you have pets and allow them to sleep on your bed or you suffer with bad allergies.

Also if you have been suffering with a sickness bug, cold or flu as soon as you are feeling well enough it is good to change the sheets and give the bedroom a really good clean and air.

During the summer months when the temperatures are much higher and our bedrooms are hot and sticky we are naturally going to sweat more so on those restless hot nights you may want to wash your sheets a little more regularly or use less sheets to keep you cooler.

Plus, if you suffer seasonal allergies throughout the spring or summer, cleaning sheets more often could help relieve symptoms.

Why Is Washing bed Sheets so Important?

Because it will stop a build up of……………

  • Dust mites
  • Body fluids
  • Natural Oils
  • Dead Skin
  • Sweat
  • Dirt and grime

Which can contribute towards bad health, lack of sleep and even cause your bedding to smell stale!

Most homes have dust mites, which are tiny little critters that we can’t see. They love beds and carpets because they are warm, humid spaces and a shelter from other allergens. This is why NOT only should we change our sheets but vacuum the mattress and headboard too.

These little critters aren’t dangerous but they can cause skin reactions like rashes and itching, and in some cases aggravate allergies. Dust mites can grow at crazy rates and live purely off of dead skin cells. Dust mites in your mattress and bedding can amount to the tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands at any given time.

Frequent washing of bed sheets can help reduce dust mites and keep your bed fresh and clean.

How To Wash Bed Sheets

Always just check the label to see if there are any specific instructions for the type of bedding you have.

Pick a calming laundry detergent and fabric conditioner, if it always lovely to have a fresh smelling bed and I find using lavender a real calming scent to use which will also help aid sleep.

It always a good idea to also add in some laundry cleanser as this will give you sheets that hygienically clean feeling

To save money and energy it is always best to try and wash at lower temperatures but when it comes to bedding, towels and underwear try and wash at 60 degrees plus.

Other Ways To Help Keep Your Bed Fresh

Before making your bed in the morning let it air ideally with the windows open.

Use pillow and mattress protectors and wash this every other week

Vacuum your mattress a few times a month and allow it to air. a UV one is a great option.

Turn or flip your mattress

Wash your duvet a few times a year

Wash your pillows a few times a year.

Did you know that your pillow will double in weight over a 6 month period due to sweat and fluids!


Declutter and organise your cleaning products

One of my favourite results of thinning out my cleaning products is being able to see and use what’s left after I’ve decluttered.

This is one category of items people rarely declutter. Decluttering them — scaling them down to the best and most useful — has a huge impact on your cleaning and in the long run will save you time and money.

Here are some cleaning products and tools you can get rid of right away:

Reduce the amount of cleaning products you have.

You don’t necessarily need a different cleaner for every little cleaning task.  Look for products that are versatile so they can be used for various cleaning tasks.  Not only does this take up less space, but it also makes it faster to switch between cleaning tasks.  Use the least amount of product as needed to get your cleaning task completed.  More is not necessarily better! Using too much product can actually increase your cleaning time and any residue left behind can attract more dirt and grime as well as unsightly streaks leading to more frequent cleaning.

Spray bottles that don’t work.

Whether you have a clogged nozzle, the spray comes out all over the place and leak, or the trigger works only half the time, no one wants to fight with a spray bottle as they’re cleaning. Get rid of any of these broken bottles. I like to add my homemade cleaners to glass bottles, this way I can see how much of the product I have left but it is important these bottles work and are labelled clearly.

Ripped holy cloths

Your rags don’t have to be perfect, but once your cloths begin to become worn through and holy, it might be time to get rid of them. You want to maximise the cleaning power of your cleaning cloths and getting a hole stuck on a faucet is frustrating and time consuming. It is so important to look after your cleaning cloths to get the full cleaning power from them, check out my how to guide.

Worn down brushes

Again, you want your cleaning power to be well spent. Scrubbing with flat brushes isn’t well-spent energy. Replace them or trim them down and consider whether it would be worthwhile to spend a bit more money for longer-lasting tools. Don’t forget through recycled toothbrushes always make a great cleaning brush, perfect for getting into those nook and crannies.

Old Magic Erasers.

You certainly don’t have to use a completely new Magic Eraser every time you use one to clean. But once your Magic Eraser is saturated, flat or crumbling then it is time to reach for a new one.

Duplicate tools.

If you have more than one dust pan and brush set, a cupboard full of mops or long dusters, then I bet you just have far too many cleaning tools and I bet you also reach for your favourite each time you clean. Keep those and only those that you use and love. The exception is if you have more than one kind of the same type of tool for specific jobs — and you use them all. For instance, it is good to have an outside broom and an inside broom and they both get used for their respective purposes regularly.

Keep your cleaning supplies where you are going to need them.

The less time it takes you to find your cleaning products, the more likely you’ll be to use them.  As much as possible, store your bathroom cleaning supplies in your bathroom, your kitchen cleaning supplies under the sink etc.  If you’re short on space, just store what you would need for a month’s worth of cleaning and keep the larger product bottles stored somewhere else in your home, maybe your garage or shed but if you only buy what you need you won’t need to find this extra space.

Optimise your storage space

If you’re short on space, look for better storage options to keep those cleaning supplies handy.  I am a big fan of magic hooks, these are great to hang cleaning cloths, brushes and dusters. Categorise products using storage boxes and look at tiered under the sink storage options.

Create a portable cleaning caddy.

Take a little time to put together a basic cleaning caddy then it is easy to carry your supplies to various spots around the house that you don’t have cleaning supplies stored.  Make sure everyone in the house knows where it’s stored so they don’t have any excuses for not cleaning up if they make a mess!