
Daily Task Cleaning Calendar

Daily Task Cleaning Calendar

As much as we love the build up to a large house clean it can feel like one big TO DO LIST. I have put together a simple schedule to help you stay organised and keep you on top of your housework.

I just love the daily cleaning tasks and when you follow my simple schedule that break it down, it becomes a easy way to keep your home clean.

My simple calendar will guide you through the organising, planning and cleaning that you will need to get your home sparkling clean.

Download your free copy


Christmas Planning

Christmas Cleaning & Organising schedules

As much as we love the build up to Christmas it can be also be a little over whelming and feel like one big TO DO LIST. I have put together a few simple planners to help you stay organised and keep you on top of not only the Christmas prep but your housework too.

I just love the pre Christmas clean and when you follow my simple schedules break it down, shop right and buy practical gifts it all comes together.

My simple calendar will guide you through the organising, planning and cleaning that you will need to get your home sparkling clean.

Download your free copy

Preparing to welcome guests during the festive season means time to pay extra attention to the home, from the rooms and objects we touch the most, to all the corners and crevices that are often forgotten.

I have put together my 7 down Christmas count down, a few daily tasks to do to keep you extra organised on the lead up to the big day

To download a copy click here

Christmas Meal Planning planner

My Christmas meal planner is here to help you plan the key Christmas meals between Christmas and New Year and budget.

Christmas Menu Planner Printable

Christmas Shopping Planner

Keep track of who you have bought for and how you have spent

Christmas Presents Printable

I hope these little guides help you with your Christmas planning and organising.



Queen of Clean November Christmas countdown

Do you want to beat the rush this Christmas and be super organised?

If you do then keep on reading……….

The Christmas countdown is on. I really can’t believe it’s nearly that time of year again.   Some of you may have already started planning and preparing your Christmas which is amazing.

I love Christmas it’s a very magical time of the year and as much as I love to be organised I don’t like to start too soon. November really is the month to get going, this way you will free up your December allowing you time to catch up with friends and enjoy any pre-Christmas activities.

I have broken up the key tasks which will run over a 4 week period throughout November to hopefully guide you to a stress free December full of Christmas joy.

Week one

Set a budget

Family budgets can change yearly so it’s always important to plan your budget for food, presents, decorations, outfits and social events. To keep organised with you present buying download my Present buying printable this way you can set your budget and list what you have brought.

Start buying those gifts

As of now I will start to pick up a few bits each week and I will list what I have brought using my Present buying printable that I will carefully have hidden in my diary.  There have been years where I have brought items and had no idea who the gift was for.

Maybe plan a shopping day with friends or family.

Find a hiding place

Choose your hiding places wisely and clear a space. I tend to clear out one of my clothes drawers in the bedroom and this always gets me started.  There are plenty of hiding places in your home if you think about it. My tops places are listed here

Book tickets

If you planning a family outing to the local pantomime, or a visit to see father Christmas then get this tickets booked now.

Social planning

Start talking to family members and friends and set aside dates aside time to see people.  You don’t want to double book do you?

Week 2

Book those appointments

Whether its hair cuts for the whole family, dental appointment’s or beauty treatments now is the time to get these booked in. Make the calls this week and get these written down with reminders added to your phones. Most places will have their Xmas diaries open now and will start to be taking appointments so beat the rush and get in quick.  Nearer the time you may not actual no longer need the appointment but at least you have the option.

Pet Plans

You may be going away this Christmas or be spending times at various other people’s houses. Pets aren’t always welcome so start to think about where they can go. Book into a kennels or see if friends and family are around to support you. Don’t wait until a week before as the chances are they will be booked up.

Baby Sitters

If you have younger children and you have few Christmas functions to attend now is the time to start to booking your baby sitter. They will appreciate the notice and you can go ahead and plan your nights’s out with one less thing to worry about.


Week 3

Gift Wrap

Get out and purchase gift wrap, bottle bags and tags.  There is such a huge choice when it comes to gift wrapping but in the past I have found that some of the nicer patterns do sell out fast and don’t forget to look at more eco friendly options such as linen bottle bags and eco friendly gift wrap or look at foil large gift bags which are great for larger presents and can be reused year after year. If your having a theme which runs right through to your gift wrapping then now is the time to go out and find the right paper for you.  Don’t forget the matching tags.

Keep everything together using a gift wrap storage bag. If you can wrap as you go and don’t forget my ironing board trick.

Christmas Cards

I am finding I am get less and less cards these days and more festive messages through social media.  But I still love Christmas cards and feel that they are a tradition we should stick. A card can mean a lot to some people.  Purchase your cards and make sure you buy enough. There are lots of eco friendly cards made from recyclable card which is great.

For your children work out how many children are in their classes at school and nursery and get your child to join in by putting together a list of the names so they have a list ready for when they come to write their cards. 

Put together a list of who you are sending cards to and check international posting dates.

Always have a few spares in case you receive cards from people that you haven’t planned to give one too. It is always nice to show acknowledgement.

Don’t forget to buy your postage stamps and check you have updated your address book.

Make kitchen Space

On the lead up to Christmas It great to pick up a few bits every week to help with budgeting. Clear out a kitchen cupboard ready for Christmas foods such as chocolates, nuts and snacks.

Take stock of your pantry and baking staples. Add flour, spices, and sugar to your shopping list, so you are prepared for any Christmas baking.

Freezer de-clutter

Now that you have made the kitchen cupboard space its time to start thinking about freezer space too.  Give you freezer a good de-clutter. The freezer is a cold and desolate place that’s home to forgotten, icy food its time to remove all unusable food, and salvage the rest. Maybe spend a week eating what you actually have in their rather than adding to it so you have a clear space ready for those frozen party nibbles.

Getting head of the cleaning

Plan some time into your schedule to take a day of work to give your home a really good deep clean before the decorations start to go up. Also you may want to consider a professional cleaning services to spruce up your carpets and shine up those hard to reach outside windows.

Week 4

Order your meats

If you are hosting Christmas dinner this year get those meat orders in.  Don’t forget to order your chipolatas and bacon too for your pigs in blankets.  If you order and pay early it is one less thing to worry about. 

Local farm shops do some great offers on your Christmas meats too and sometimes can even deliver.

Christmas Crackers

Get these in this week loads of great choices on the high street.  But remember to make sure they match your Christmas table theme and always have a few spares in case you end up with some unexpected guests.

Don’t forget ECO Christmas crackers made from sustainable materials are becoming more common.

Christmas party outfits

I am sure many of us have packed December diaries but that means a few Christmas outfits for you and your family and don’t forget those Christmas jumpers too.
Christmas Jumper day Thursday 8th December this year. Add this date to your diary and set a reminder in your phone.

Don’t forget your accessories too lots of pretty sparkly bags around along with sparkly earrings.  If you treat the kids to Christmas Eve PJ’s it may be worth you looking at getting these now too before all the sizes sell out and don’t forget your party shoes.

I do have a discount code for Dorothy Perkins which is QOC20 and they have some lovely party wear in.


If your travelling by train for Christmas get those tickets booked now, prices for Christmas week will be reasonable at the moment but if you leave it much longer you will find they will start to double or even triple

Advent calendars

There must be a calendar for almost anything these days! if you are looking for a specialist calendar, whether it be from Lego, Smiggle, Benefit, Body Shop get these now.

If you can donate a gift box or an advent calendar to a local charity I know these items are very much appreciated and don’t forget woman’s aid are always on the look out for unused toiletries.


Sounds like a lot doesn’t it but when you break it down into weeks it becomes much more manageable. Enjoy your festive planning and I will be popping up gently reminders as we go.

back to school

Getting Ready For The Back To School

Summer is still in full swing, and whilst we might be having a bit of a breather from the recent intensity of the sunshine it’s set to sizzle us once again in a matter of days… but, as we start to approach the end of August, you’ll notice that the supermarkets are filled with ‘back to school’ gear ranging from school uniforms to pencil cases.

This time of year, for many people, heralds the start of something new – in fact, a lot of people move home in this month which could be linked to the childhood pattern of starting a new year at school.  We are all creatures of habit, and the start of autumn marks the return to school, darker nights, wrapping up warm, better television shows, and a cosy feeling inside that makes us want to settle down and prepare for the winter.

Here’s a brief list of some of the factors you’ll want to consider in terms of preparing for your kids to go back to school:

Pick out a new uniform

Children can grow at a surprising rate, and this means you’ll almost definitely need a new school uniform for the year – and even if that’s not the case, it can be good for the emotional health of your child to get a new uniform as it marks the start of a brand new year, like how a new chapter is specifically set out in a book.

One of the most empowering things you can do is to involve your children in picking out their own uniform, and whilst most uniforms are restrictive in terms of what can and cannot be worn, giving your kids the feeling of autonomy in this sense can be very helpful to their emotional development.

Have a big clean

The Spring tends to be known for having a good sort out, but the weeks prior to going back to school make sense to declutter and clean your kids bedroom – as the summer months tend to be spent mostly outdoors with a variety of toys thrown around the house, from water pistols to play tents and all sorts of other weird and wonderful things… getting your kids involved in a thorough clean and tidy of their space is a great way to ensure your kids feel responsible for themselves, and highlights the need to prepare for their new academic year.

Children thrive when there is a sense of organisation and balance in their lives, so decluttering the space and giving it a good clean is very helpful to achieving heightened states of focus for children.

Plan some trips

Whilst there are many activities scheduled throughout the year, such as special geography trips for schools, it’s a good idea to plan some educational trips of your own (particularly if you’re a fan of homeschooling) that enrich your child with experiential activities to hone in on the more academic learning from textbooks.

As you may know, children tend to fall into one predominant category in terms of their main learning modality; visual, auditory and kinaesthetic.  Visual learners tend to learn best from reading and copying, whilst auditory tend to work better with listening and following structured lists, whilst kinaesthetic people find it much easier to learn from ‘doing’ and this is where the experiential learning of educational trips comes into play; particularly with a rich subject like geography – where you can take your kids on all sorts of outings, particularly within nature.

In summary, this time of year is still a time to be enjoying the summer sun and making the most of the summer holidays yet it’s also a time to start preparing for the academic year ahead.  This is particularly pertinent if your child is moving from junior school to secondary school, as there can be a lot of anxiety around this change for both parent and child.

The best tip, is to ensure there’s some element of familiarity, for instance, partnering up your child with his or friend to walk to school together each day – this element of familiarity can make all the difference, because the reason your child might feel anxious is because they have lost the sense of certainty and stability that comes with being somewhere familiar.

Whatsmore, they have gone from being ‘leader of the pack’ in terms of being the oldest year at school, to now being at the bottom of the ladder, which can inherently make them feel a bit more vulnerable than they would like.


Return home from holiday organised and refreshed

We all love going away on holiday spending a week or two exploring new cities or relaxing on the beach but the build up can be pretty busy and stressful. Packing can be daunting and its important that we don’t forget any of those essential items. 

Following a simple packing guide can really help, that you don’t forget anything.

Before you go………..

Deep Clean

Give yourself time before you go to have a really good deep clean. Its will make all the difference when you return home and allow you to focus on the unpacking and holiday washing. Empty all your bins add new liners and make sure all the toilets have bleach in the pan so they smell lovely and fresh when you walk in.

Make sure your laundry is up-to date

There is no better feeling than an empty laundry basket and a non-existent ironing pile. This can be rare for busy families but challenge yourself before you go away to ensure you are up to date.  You are going to be coming home with a big pile of washing and ironing and you really do not need to add to this pile. If you are struggling for time there is no harm in using a local ironing service.

You may also be coming home to back to school, make sure uniform is all ready hanging up in wardrobes ready for that first day back and school bags packed.

Declutter as you pack

Now is a really good time to tackle any clothing clutter. When you are packing for your holiday use this time to pick bits out of the wardrobes that are no longer worn and create a pile for reselling or charity. You will be surprised at what you find that no longer fits or will just won’t wear anymore.

File away that build up of paperwork along with any old magazines and newspapers that will be out of date upon your return.

Food Delivery

If you have a regular food delivery organise this before you go so you don’t have to go to the supermarket and do a full weekly shop. You can always add to the list whilst you are away, but don’t arrange delivery for when you step in the door, delays and traffic do happen so give yourself a good few hours grace.

Ask someone to drop some fresh milk and bread into your home just before you return so you can at least have a cup of tea and toast.

Plan a meal

Cook up a health meal and pop in the freezer before you go so you can defrost and enjoy when you get home.  Holidays normally mean over eating and not eating so well so you will be probably be craving a home cooked healthy dinner. Knock up a quick Bolognese or a stew packed with vegetables.

Let your neighbours know your going away

If you get on well with your neighbours or have a friend that lives close by ask them to put the bin out for you and to water the garden flowers. This can really help as you don’t want to come home to a full bin smelling awful or dead flowers that you have been keeping  so well all summer.

Don’t jump straight into socialising

Give yourself a few days before you start to out again with friends and try not to organise any gatherings at your house. Ease yourself back in gently.

Back to work

If you can and have the flexibility book an extra day into your diary so you can give yourself time to adjust after your holiday. There is nothing worse that coming home in  the early hours of the morning and then having to be at work for 9am.

Keep your out of office on

Use this tool to your advantage and don’t switch it off until you have caught up.

Check your family calendar

Look at your calendar a few days before you are due home so you are not surprised by meetings or events that are going to sneak up on you for the up and coming week.

school boys

Back to School Essentials Check List

The summer holidays may of just started but many of us will already be thinking about Back to School.  Most of the shops will have the Back to School posters up with uniform strategically placed at  stores entrances.

We always go away the last few weeks of August and I like to have everything done before we go so as soon as the holidays start I start to pick bits up for my 3 and I use this checklist and mark off what I have brought.  I find this way I don’t forget anything.

The worst thing you can do is head into town a week before they go back as most stuff will be gone, limited sizes will be left for school uniform so get out there early and be prepared. If stores don’t have your sizes they will have plenty of time to order for you or for you to go home and order online.

I have designed a back to school check list that you can download here Back To School Check List

I have also put together a few ideas for those back to school essentials

Back Packs For Girls


For younger girls
JoJo Siwa Bow Backpack Ruck Sack Sholder Bag Large Pocket Print Back Pack Rainbow, Clouds and Glitter.


KS2 Girls
FRINGOO Girls Boys School Backpack Waterproof Travel Bag Fits Laptop 17” (Unicorn WiFi)


Secondary Girls
Adidas back pack

Back Packs For Boys


Younger Boys
Paw Patrol Back Pack


KS2 Boys
Marvel Back Pack


Secondary Boys 
Vans Back Pack



YIMOJI Large Capacity Pencil Case, 72 Slots Multi-layer School Stationery Pencil Eraser Ruler Bag for Student Boys and Girls


Smiggle Pencil Case

My son would absolutely love this and if he behaves this summer I may treat him, his addicted to smiggle stuff.


Maths set


Casio Calculator

Love the classic casio calculator. Perfect for in the home office to. 

For school uniform I always find that Next and John Lewis offer the best range of sizes and styles. Plus if your have older girl New Look have a great teenage range with more tailored clothing plus a good selection of practical bags and shoes.

To help stay organised this summer with your home maybe look at joingin in with my 5 Minute Challenge or use one of my cleaning calendars

Personally I love Back to School shopping so have fun and enjoy.

Thanks for reading
Lynsey Queen of Clean xoxox

This post does contain affiliate links


Holiday packing and preparation

If you’re jetting off soon, I have put together some top tips plus a handy checklist to make sure you’ve got everything covered. Then all you need to worry about is whether to hit the beach or the sights when you arrive.

Dig out your passport

Checking your passport a few months in advance is something few of us would think about doing, yet it’s imperative you do – otherwise your holiday could be over before it’s even started!

Be aware that there are also some countries that require your passport to be valid for a particular period from your date of arrival. For example, the United Arab Emirates, Kenya and Turkey all require a minimum period of six months to be left on your passport from your date of entry. 

Organise your furry friends

That way, you can sit back and relax while you’re away knowing that they are being looked after too.

If you have decided to take your pet away for the first time take along their usual bed and favourite toys. So they have familiar items with them.

Organise your Home

Ask our neighbours to put out your dustbins and water any flowers and do the same in return for them. You do not need to be over friendly with your neighbours to ask this but its great to know that we can all support each other when we go away.

Make sure you leave your home secure. Double and triple check doors and windows and make sure you have cancelled any deliveries.

It is also a good idea to also invest in some light timers

Remember that if you were to suffer a break-in while you were on holiday and you had not secured your home properly, your insurance could be deemed invalid – so taking the time to do this really is important.


Organise your travel documents

Don’t leave any travel money to the last-minute, the cheapest rates are always found online.

Keep a travel wallet in your hand luggage and include in this your driving licence, boarding passes (always handy to have a paper copy incase you lose your phone), hotel and car hire information and keep in the order in which you will need them. Along with the passports.

It is also a really good idea to write down emergency contact numbers in case you lose your phone. plus write down your passport number and keep this safe maybe a copy in your suitcase and a copy in your hand luggage.

 Do not forget your EHIC card if you’re travelling in Europe.

Organise your Suitcases

Make sure you invest in good quality hard-wearing and lightweight suitcases. These Kono hardshell 3 piece sets are amazing value and come in a range of colours.  These are such great value ,spacious and very practical.

Don’t leave the packing to the very last-minute

Never leave packing to the last-minute, it will only stress you out and get your holiday off on a very bad foot. Start to think about packing a good week in advance. Use a clothes rail and put this up in a spare room or one of your bedrooms and start to plan what you are going to take. This will also stop you from wearing them again before you travel. Try and pack minimalist and choose outfits that be can dressed up and dressed down and that are easy to style.

Start to organise your toiletries, make up, sun creams, books and electronics.

Packing cubes are an absolute must! for making packing a breeze and keeping you organised.

If you prefer to travel with fewer bags, packing cubes enable you to compress your belongings into easy-to-pack sizes that better use the full capacity of your suitcase and will end up with less wasted space.

A well-organised suitcase can mean that you only have to take one, instead of two or even three. This can save you lots of hassle when checking into airports or carrying around your luggage in a busy city. 


Don’t forget to save bag space for any travel purchases you are planning to make.

Create a master packing list.

Make sure you know what you luggage allowance is if you are flying. Over-packing and being stuck at the check-in desk with luggage that’s too heavy can really start your holiday off on the wrong foot. Weigh your cases using some Digital luggage scales and take them with you for the journey home as dirty washing does weigh more than clean.

Use my packing checklist this way you won’t forget anything. Don’t forget those core basics such as currency, adaptors and your first aid kit

Check the weather so you pack accordingly and always take a lightweight jacket as night-time temperatures can be cooler even abroad.

Small travel bottles are also great to help you save space and allow you to only take what you need, use for your shampoo, body wash, facial creams and any cleaning products you wish to take.

Travel bottles

Handheld steamer

If you are not much of a roller or folder then I would definitely recommend that you take a Handheld Steamer with you. Even if your hotel room has an iron, I never find them any good and remember steam will release creases and refresh allowing you to wear an item more than once.

Hand Luggage

Other than my essential travel documents and entertainment, take a change of light weight cloths, just in case your luggage goes a stray, always good to be prepared and It’s generally recommended that you take your valuables with you in your hand luggage, again in case of lose or damage it’s better to have items such as your watch, jewellery, camera or laptop in your hand luggage.

kids cleaning

Keeping the house tidy when you have kids.

If there is one thing that seems impossible to achieve when you are a parent, it is a clean house. Children have a knack for creating mess wherever they go. The last thing you want to do is spend your day scrubbing the floor and tidying up, only to find that you need to repeat the process come tomorrow. With that being said, read on to discover some secrets on keeping your house tidy while you have children.

Involve the children

Why not put your kids to good use and get them to join in with the cleaning too? Needless to say, it is not like your eight-month-old baby is going to pick up the hoover and give the house a good vacuum. However, most toddlers love helping out around the house because it makes them feel like they are adults. Kids love copying their parents, so why not get them their own children’s sized broom or mop and let them give you a hand? Head to Raising Children for some examples of household chores that are suitable for children or check out my top tips CLICK HERE

Get up before the kids do!

Waking up before your children can make a massive difference in terms of keeping your home tidy. You will typically find that you have a lot more time and, shockingly, more energy to do the dishes, laundry, and put their toys away than you would if you left this task until later in the day. I have a good hour downstairs before my 3 come down and I get so much done. The mornings are the best time of the day as you have much more energy too.  Why not give my 5 minutes challenge a go – JOIN HERE

Consider putting some items in storage

It’s crazy to think that one little child can end up having more belongings than you! One of the best ways to keep your house tidy and organised when you have young children is to put some of your belongings in storage – just until they get out of the phase whereby they want to cause destruction around the house. Plus, it will help to make sure some of your favourite items don’t end up damaged. Some great storage ideas from You will see that there are plenty of different options available depending on the type and quantity of items you need to store.

Have a routine 

It is also pivotal that you have some sort of routine to your day. This does not need to be a stringent routine whereby you need to follow it to the minute. However, if you have a bit of a pattern to your daily activities it will ensure that you build in the time to tackle chores. Right down what errands you have, any shopping you may need and any household tasks you need to do and tick off as you through.

The fabulous Mummy of Four swears by a virtual calendar to act as you PA and its such a fab idea.  Read how she does this and keeps extra organised with her very simple simple.

As you can see, there are many different ways that you can keep your house clean and tidy while you have children. Of course, no one is expecting your home to be immaculate, but you can keep a bit of your sanity by following the suggestions that have been mentioned above.

Lynsey Queen of Clean xoxo

declutter image

Don’t forget to Declutter your digital life

Digital decluttering has become as essential as brushing your teeth twice a day. Especially now, when the knowledge industry has mass moved to online and remote work. Our mental wellbeing and productivity can suffer great consequences unless we learn to keep our online spaces tidy and organised. Clutter can take up space on devices and slow them down.

The way you set up your desktop on your home computer, browser can easily be distracting you and slowing down your productivity.

Ask yourself

Which apps do you use most, and which do you rarely use? Which are distracting, and which are genuinely helpful? How much time do you spend on your devices? What do you spend most of your time doing? Are your phone and computer equally cluttered, or is one more organised than the other?

The better you understand your digital life, the more effectively you can declutter and simplify it. Get honest with yourself about what’s necessary to hold on to and what parts of your digital life you can let go.

Below are some practical simple tasks that don’t just declutter, but keep you better organised and keep your files safe.

Organise your photos

Organise your photos’s into folders. Kids, Holidays, Day out, Instagram. Work, etc.

Delete any photos that are of bad quality or unimportant.

Set up a drop box or one drive on your computer and store the good ones in here weekly.

Use photo apps like Chatbooks and create simple photo books for less than £8.00.  I love producing these and we store than in month order so we can look back at memories.

Clear out those Apps

There are so many great free apps out there that is hard not to resist downloading a few every so often and just having a play.  But how often do you actually use that app? Try and keep the ones that you actively use all the time and the ones that help you out in your day-to-day life. Apps can take up so much space so make sure you go through these and delete the ones you haven’t used or have maybe only clicked on twice in a month.


First, put any important emails into folders. Think receipts, client-related emails, and anything you reference often. Even if you have to keep a lot of emails, it’s better to have them filed away than sitting opened in your inbox.

Next, delete the junk! Clean out your inbox, promotions folder, and junk mail. Then, enjoy your beautiful, empty inbox!

Delete Email accounts

Delete accounts that aren’t necessary and that you don’t use often.  Or at least remove them of your phones and tablets and keep access via your computer just in case something important may come through.

Unsubscribe to email marketing

Since the new GDPR rule has come in you should have been given the option to opt out of unwanted email marketing material.  If you’re getting lots of these emails a day and they are services you don’t require or maybe once did years a go now is the time to hit the unsubscribe button. Every time and an email with no real relevance to you hits your inbox scroll down to the bottom and hit unsubscribe.
If you haven’t already subscribed to my mailing list then please do as I send out regular tips and tricks,

Social Media

This may seem harsh but defriend, unfollow and clear out those social media feeds. Do you really need to be in touch with people who when you pass in the supermarket turn their head.  Social media can be a real numbers game a bit of a popularity contest amongst friends but stop seeing it as this and have the people on yours that really matter to you and start to enjoy your news feed.


A clean and organised desk helps you focus and become more productive.

Clean up your files and folders and get rid of any unnecessary old files. Create folders to organise
and have a happy engaging wallpaper to keep focus.

Remember to allow yourself time to declutter your digital life.


What do I need to do to my property to get it ready to sell?

This is a question that I get asked all the time on social media, so I thought it was about time I did a blog on it. 

Moving house is one of the most stressful things you can do, and a big part of that comes from the process of preparing your property for sale and trying to find a buyer.
Most people will only sell a couple of homes in their lifetime, so it can feel like a minefield knowing where to start with preparing your property for potential buyers to come and view it.
If you’re thinking about moving, or if you’re in the process of trying to find a buyer for your property, my top tips will have your home sale-ready in no time at all!

Start with the simple things

When it comes to preparing your home to put it on the market, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed by the task ahead.  For this reason, when it comes to making a list of the jobs that need to be done, it’s important to break things down into bite-sized pieces and take it one room at a time.

Decluttering is one of the tasks that has the biggest impact on the saleability of your property.  A cluttered property is not only aesthetically unattractive to potential buyers, it will also communicate to your viewers that your home to too small for you, which may well then lead to the assumption that it will also be too small for them.

Deep clean

The approach of taking things ‘one room at a time’ should be continued when it comes to deep cleaning your property.

Start by trying to view each room objectively and make a list of the different tasks required.  Areas that are often neglected include carpets, upholstery and bathroom grout.

Don’t underestimate the impact of a fresh coat of paint

Although it can be time consuming when there is a seemingly endless list of tasks to complete, a fresh coat of paint throughout the house will have a big impact on the first impression your potential buyers have when they walk through your front door, and will undoubtedly pay off in the process of trying to sell your house.

Engage as many senses as possible

Choosing a new home is not just a practical decision for many people, it has a lot to do with how someone ‘feels’ when they walk into your property.  Help attract your perfect buyer by making your property viewings a multi-sensory experience.

Sight is, of course, the most obvious sense when it comes to a property viewing, so it’s important to be intentional about how to want to present your property to potential buyers.  Tidy and uncluttered shelves, clean and clear kitchen worktops and fresh flowers will all add to the feeling of a well-loved home.

Sight is not the only important sense when preparing your property for sale, however.  Smell will also play a big in role in your potential buyer’s feelings about your property. Make sure your property is well-aired before any viewings, and consider adding diffusers or candles for a homely, yet subtle fragrance.

 And if all that feels like a little too much work…

Of course, for many people time is of the essence when it comes to selling a property.  So, if you’re in a hurry to find a buyer, you’re worried about how long the house selling process will take and don’t want to miss out on your dream property, or you simply don’t have the time to spare carrying out work to your property before you sell, you may want to consider using a professional home buying company like Quick Move Now.  Because a genuine cash home buyer will purchase your property directly, with their own cash, the purchase is guaranteed, hassle-free and can be completed in as little as seven days!

I really hope this feature works if you are looking at moving I have put together a really simple video too CLICK HERE TO WATCH

Thank you for reading 
Lynsey Queen of Clean xoxo

This is a sponsored post with cash home buyers