
Laundry powder v liquid

The choice for laundry products these days is absolutely huge and it can be really hard to choose the right product that suits you and your family.

i am often asked what is better to use laundry powder or laundry detergent ?

Powder has been around since the early 1930’s and was first used in America but the early 1970’s bought liquid detergents to the market in Japan and Europe.

Both products aren’t actually that different. Liquid detergent is much better at cleaning up greasy stains and can also act as a pre stain treatment but powder is much better at cleaning up grass and muddy stains.

These days we are so much more economical with our washing and use lower heat settings in our washing machines. Liquid detergents work much better with cooler water as they are already a liquid, whereas some powders don’t dissolve well in cooler water.

Powder may leave little clumps of left over detergent on your clothes, which may result in washing again and powder can also leave chunks of undissolved detergent in your machine. Overtime, the clumps can build up in your washing machine, and cause a blockage.

But on the plus side powder is cheaper than liquid and comes in recyclable packaging. Although the boxes are usually quite heavy and large and can be hard to store. They do require a completely dry area for storage to prevent caking and this can be quite troublesome over the winter months.

Liquids are easier to use and come in a huge variety of scents but if you are not careful you can end up using too much due to the measurement lines on the cap being quite hard to read. Using too much product can leave residue on clothes.

Are you team liquid or powder ?


Washing at lower temperatures

Recently I was asked to appear on BBC radio to discuss washing at lower temperatures.
The average family does 400 loads of laundry per year? That calculates out to 7.69 loads per week.
I always used to wash clothes at 60 and bedding at towels at 90 degrees but last year I made the switch.  Number one I didn’t have time for this being long cycles and number two my clothes just never looked quite right. When  I ironed them some tops just weren’t square!
Taking my washing down to 40 degrees and under has meant quicker cycles which is perfect when you have a busy life like mine.
With advances in washing machines and laundry detergents, it’s now possible to get clothes clean and fresh at lower temperatures. Modern detergents are designed to work just as well at low temperatures.
Using a washing liquid rather than a powder is better for stained clothes and is more effective on food, grease and oily stains. Some washing powders don’t dissolve well and can leave a residue on clothes. Liquid detergent can be doubled up as a stain pre-treater too.
From research taken I am certainly not the only one that has made the change.Washing at lower temperatures does save you money on your household bills and does use less energy which in turn is good for our planet.

Washing at lower temperatures will benefit you because………….

Your clothes will last longer
Your clothes will stay in shape and will not shrink
Less fibres will be lifted from your cloths
Your clothing will keep its colour better.
Everyday wear can certainly be washed at lower temperatures

But there are a few items I would continue to wash at 60 degrees………

Outerwear such as coats.
Don’t forget to look after your washing machine invest in some washing machine cleaner  which will eliminate nasty residue build up in the pipes and crevices of your washing machine and remove those nasty odours. 
Click here to get yours.
When washing save money and the environment by doing full loads, try not to do a load with just a few items. If you don’t need to do a daily load then do one every other day.
And also remember to give your denim a little extra care. Have you read my post, how to look after your jeans?

I hope you have enjoyed this post and as always thank you so much for reading. 

Lynsey Queen of Clean xoxo


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How to look after and clean pillows

Every night we put our heads on our pillows but do we actually ever thinking about cleaning them?

Here in the UK we have had the best summer on record for many years.  It has been really hot at night and our bedding has needed changing more often than usual.  But do you think to wash your pillows? I have covered mattress cleaning before so lets now talk pillows and give them a little TLC.

Here are a few ways to help keep your pillow clean and fresh

Always use good thick pillow protectors and wash these every time you change your bedding.

If you pillows are made from polyester then these can go into the washing machine on a low heat using your usual detergent although DON’T use fabric conditioner.  I would advise that you do a double rinse to get as much of the suds out as possible. For the second rinse you can also add a cap-ful of White Wine Vinegar which will help get rid of any nasty odours and those yellow patches.

Once washed tumble dry as you will want your pillows to be as dry as possible plus the heat from the tumble dryer will also aid in killing more germs.  Put them on a relatively low heat and add in a few tumble dryer balls. The tumble dryer balls will help them dry faster and keep them fluffy too.

If you want to give you pillows a quick freshen without washing just pop them in the tumble for 15 minutes as the heat will kill germs.

Foam pillows are not as easy to clean and require a little more attention.  If you do decide to give these a wash choose a warm breezy day as you need to relay on the weather as these pillows CAN NOT be tumble dried. As pillows are quite big wash them using your bath tub. Fill you bath tub a quarter full and add in your usual washing detergent and again DO NOT use Fabric conditioner but add in some White Wine Vinegar if you fill you need it.

Using a large sponge hand wash your pillow well. Give it a good scrub and focus on any sweat stains.  Once you are satisfied that your pillows are clean.  Change to clear product free water and rinse them thoroughly. You will probably need to repeat this process a few times.   Once you are happy don’t go squeezing your pillow to get all of the water out.  Cover in a large bath sheet and soak up as much as the water as possible.

For drying you need a clean flat surface outside and you will need to turn the pillow on a regular basis. So I do highly advise that on a day you decide to do this you are at home most of the day.

If this whole process seem a bit to much which if I am completely honest it’s not easy then look at investing in some new ones. There are some reasonably priced foam pillows that you can buy and if you are going to replace them a few times a year then you really don’t want to spend too much. These one I have linked here are great value. Foam Pillows

Don’t forget animal shelters will be grateful of your old pillows.


As always thank you reading Lynsey Queen of Clean xoxo

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Wonderful uses for Fabric Conditioner in your home

Fabric conditioner is not just for your washing

Did you know that fabric conditioner can also be used as a home cleaning product? Or did you know that you can also use it as stain remover, you can also clean windows and floors and give them that perfect shine and streak free finish. Plus it also leaves your home smelling absolutely amazing.

Removing wallpaper

Mix up a solution of warm water and fabric conditioner grab a sponge and then apply directly to the wallpaper. Leave for around 20 minutes and then it was easily peel away for you.


Clean glass tables, shower doors, and other hard surfaces.  Mix the above potion into a spray bottle and apply directly to the surfaces with a dry cloth.  Fabric conditioner is great for stopping dust settling straight away. Very similar to how the tumble drier sheets work

Burnt of food

Hot water and fabric conditioner will soon get those dishes clean. Simple fill with water and add a squirt of conditioner and leave to sit for an hour or so and then the burnt on food and grease will lift away.

Paint Brushes

After a decorating session simple pop your brushes in a container with warm water and a some fabric conditioner to clean them up and keep them soft and subtle.

Stain remover

Apply neat to the stain and leave for a few hours and then wash as normal. Such a quick and simple method.

Hard water stains

If you have stubborn hard water stains apply fabric conditioner neat and let it soak for around 15 minutes and then rinse with a damp cloth. 

Please use my hashtag if you try these tips on your social platforms #queenofcleaneffect.

Thank you so much for reading
Lynsey Queen of Clean xoxo


My Review of the HOTPOINT Ultima S-LINE RPD 9467 JGG Washing Machine

I am so lucky the lovely team at Hotpoint recently send me a new washing machine. The Ultima S-Line RPD 9467 JGG My washing machine was fine but it had been going strong for 6 years and had worked so hard with my constant overuse that a new one was definitely due. I really look after my washing machines and washing machine care is so important.  With the old machine I tended to do at least two washes a day, main reason being it only had a small drum and being a family of 5 and having a Hetty one load was just never enough.

I certainly did need a bigger drum and my new machine has a 9kg drum which has made a huge difference. I can get so much in and my normal load just looks lost. On a good day I now only need to do one load of washing, so that is only one lot of detergent and fabric conditioner daily and I am using less energy. This machine is a premium energy efficent device which comes with an A plus plus plus rating and ensures minimal consumption of power.

Its been so lovely seeing my new shiny machine in my utility room the appearance certainly does grab attention with its LCD screen and smart sleek design. I have now tested out every function and believe me there is a lot. This machine does everything.  This washing machine is super silent and my utility room no longer sounds like an aeroplane is taking off!

Some of the functions that have particularly impressed me are:

Anti Stain Cycle

This function saves the need for a prestain treatment. This worked on tested stains of red wine and coffee at 20 degrees!

Steam hygiene

This amazing function which has really impressed me allows you to wash your clothes at a low temperature and it will still eliminate 99.9% of germs and bacteria.


This is a really delicate function that is great for those beautiful woolen delicate tops that you may own this function cleans well and keep the siftness that can be sometimes lost when washing.

Plus there are a great selection of programmes to choose from.  Whats even better as you pull out the drawer for the detergent and fabric conditioner and there is a list of the programmes so you can never forget and it saves you from looking for the instruction manual. But one negative with the drawer is, it’s very difficult to remove and I do like to remove mine to clean it at least once a week as mould and mildew can build up in this area.

  • Cotton 40°
  • Cotton 60
  • Synthetics
  • Silk
  • Wool
  • Duvets
  • Delicates
  • Steam Refresh
  • Eco Cotton
  • Baby
  • Shirts
  • White
  • Woolmark

There is also a delay timer which I use to set so the cycle has finished just as I come downstairs in the morning, this was I can hang my washing out staright away nivce and early or pop it in the tumble drier.  For safety it has a child look and the digital display is very clear so no eye strainning.

I am certainly not a washing machine expert but I have found this machine really easy to use, its super quiet and looks good.

Price point is really good and its availble in many stores such as John Lewis and Tesco plus many online.

Look after you machine and it will continue to keep your laundry smelling good

I hope you found this review useful

Thanks for reading Lynsey Queen of Clean xoxo

This product was gifted and the opinons in this feature and my own


How to look after your Jeans

Washing denim is one of those questions I get asked a lot.  Especially when they are new.  There are so many shades of denim these days and the chances are you choose a specific pair of jeans as you really like the colour and texture when out shopping. When washing jeans it’s so important to look after them if you want to keep them looking like new and to keep them long-lasting.

There very first wash

On their very first wash make sure you wash your jeans separately and use a laundry detergent designed to keep their colour safe and intact. The dye from jeans can transfer during the washing cycle and discolour other garments very easily. Choose a non bleached based detergent.

I use this product for my jeans it works really well and keeps them looking great.  Dylon Machine Dye Pods

Inside Out

Always wash jeans inside out and never wash them on a hot wash try to stick at a maximum of 30 degrees. Make sure you close the zips and fasten any buttons too.


Never tumble dry jeans the heat will damage the fibres and cause the colour to fad. Give them a good stretch and then air dry them on the washing line or on an inside clothes airer. In the winter months also avoid drying them on a radiator.


If whilst wearing your jeans you cause a stain don’t try to get the stain out bu rubbing. Take them off and wash them. This way you won’t create a colour faded area.


Iron jeans inside out and for the best results iron when they are slightly damp or use a spray bottle.

Freeze cleaning jeans

My Nan told me about this method and persoanlly its not something I would choose to do but I know some people don’t like to wash their jeans to much so this is just an alterantive method for you if your jeans need refreshing. Fold your jeans and put them in a sealed plastic bag, then put them in the freezer for 24 hours. Freeze cleaning doesn’t remove dirt or stains, but it does kill the germs that cause jeans to smell.

For more laundry advice take a look here

Thanks for reading 
Lynsey Queen of Clean xoxo


Keep your Laundry smelling great

Do you want your laundry to smell fresh and clean after every wash? Well I certainly do, I love nothing more than to give my clean dry fresh laundry a good old sniff.  There is something so satisfying  about fresh smelling clothes.

A good mix of laundry products will be key in keeping your washing smelling good but if your clothes are going into a dirty washing machine this will have an impact on your washing too.  It’s so important to take care of your washing machine if you want clean clothes and fresh smelling cloths.

A few simple tips from me will help you to keep your laundry smelling fresh again!

Don’t delay drying your washing

Don’t leave clean washing in the machine after the load has finished washing especially not overnight. Get it our straight away the nice warm, dark environment like a closed washing machine is where bacteria and mold will thrive causing washing to lose its fresh smell.

Damp clothes

Never put damp clothes and towels in the laundry basket. You may have been swimming and emptied your wet things straight into the washing basket. This is not a good move/  Instead come home and put these wet items in the washing machine straight away.  The same rule applies to wet and damp bathroom towels and face flannels.

Make sure items are really dry before you add them to you Ironing basket or put away

Thick towels and heavy clothing such as jeans take longer to dry these items may need a little longer on the washing line or in the tumble dryer.  Around the pockets on jeans can still be slightly damp so make sure this area is bone dry before transferring to the ironing.  A slight damp patch will cause bacteria to grow and again will take away that freshly washed smell.

Dry outside

I love seeing my washing drying outside on the line, for me its one of life’s real pleasures. Freshly aired cloths, towels and bedding is such a fabulous feeling.  The sun is also a bleaching an agent so any whites with stains will really benefit from hanging outside in the sun. Before I hang my washing I always wipe the line over with a kitchen towel or antibacterial wipe.  My pegs are soaked weekly in warm soapy water and are kept insure when not in use.

Choose the right products

I am a big fan of using washing detergent rather than powder or tablets I do find from experience that the detergent helps the washing to smell fresh for longer.  Use fabric conditioner wisely and never use too much as this can really clog up your machine as its such a thick liquid and can cause a build up of gunk. Work with different brands and combinations until you find a fresh smell that you and your family enjoy. Scent boosters are great as they are directly thrown into the drum of the machine and release smells directly on the washing.  Have you read my review of Scent Boosters?


Pre-treat stains by soaking garments in a mixture of water and white wine vinegar over night. There are plenty of other methods to remove stubborn stains and I always find natural is best Stain removal tips

Hot wash

If  you’re washing smelling football kits or sweaty gym clothes always opt for a hot wash

Tumble dry

The heat from tumble driers can climate the fresh smell of washing so always use tumble dryer sheets or make your own using my method of cut up square sponge cloths, soak them in fabric conditioner, store in a plastic sealed tub and then add one to your drier when you use.  I have tested a few tumble drier sheets and the Asda ones are really good and keep a long-lasting smell.

Look after your washing machine

Finally look after your washing machine. If you don’t clean your washing machine on a regular basis it will start to smell and it will not clean your clothes probably.

As always thank you for reading
Lynsey Queen of Clean xoxo


Cleaning with White Vinegar

Chances are, you’ve got a big bottle of vinegar stashed away in your cupboard. While you may use it for cooking and salad dressings, did you know it’s actually one of the most powerful cleaners on the market? Cleaning with vinegar is not only cheap and 100% natural, and it is extremely effective. 

Vinegar is made from acetic acid, so this makes it a natural disinfectant for so many germs including salmonella and E Coli. It can be great for some kitchen surfaces and appliances, as well as in the bathroom. It’s a brilliant product to have in the store cupboard and avoids using store-bought abrasive cleaners.

It’s strong enough to kill bacteria and dissolve mineral deposits, grease, and dirt.

White vinegar does have a smell but don’t worry it does disperse very quickly.

Lastly, it’s cheap! So you can clean to your heart’s content.

Window and Glass cleaning

Our windows can look really dirty really quickly but all they need is a homemade vinegar and water solution to get them sparkling in no time. I keep a spray bottle filled with half vinegar, half water then wipe clean windows and mirrors with a lint free cloth , don’t forget to label your bottles when you are making homemade cleaners.

Lime scale and hard water build up

Limescale and hard water build up can be a real pain to get rid off and many of the cleaning products on the market just don’t seem to work very well. 

Soak shower heads in a bag of white vinegar, if your shower head does not come off drench an old tea towel in white vinegar and wrap around the head .

Spray neat onto shower doors, draining boards and taps, leave for 15 minutes and then rinse away.

Carpet Stains

We all spill drinks or find marks on our carpet from time to time. white vinegar mixed with.a little washing up liquid can really help at removing those unwanted stains.  Simply mix together and add to a spray bottle, use a soft bristle brush to scrub away at the stain and then using a white cloth blot dry.

Repeat the process if necessary and then rinse away using a damp wet cloth.

Descaling the Kettle

To get rid of that horrible limescale inside your tea kettle or coffee maker, pour the water and vinegar solution directly into the appliance or water tank.

This is a monthly task that needs adding into your cleaning routine.

Simply fill the kettle with half water and 30ml of white vinegar then leave to sit for 30 minutes.  Once the time is up boil the kettle, empty and rinse thoroughly.

This will keep limescale at bay and eliminates the need of using harsh chemicals.

Prevent Mildew in water areas

If you have any mildew patches in the bathroom, around the shower, bath, window or on the shower curtain then spray liberally with neat White Wine Vinegar  leave to sit for a while to allow the product to work and then rinse away.

Remove odours from kitchen sink

Another task to add into your monthly routine is to pour a scoop bicarbonate of Soda and then add 20ml of white vinegar the two together will cause a chemical reaction which will free up any blockages and can get rid of those nasty sink odours. But this will not kill bacteria as the two actually cancel each others cleaning power out!

Clean and deodorise microwave

Many of us forget to give the microwave a good clean every now and then and it can quickly become a bit stinky.

Using a microwave-safe bowl, fill with 1/2 cup of vinegar and 1 cup water.  Place in the microwave pop on a high heat for 5 minutes.

Let it sit in microwave while it cools. 

You can then easily wipe down inside of microwave and  lingering odours should disappear. 

Cleaning the fridge

Mix a gallon of warm water and 2 cups of White Wine Vinegar to wipe down inside of refrigerator, including shelves, walls, and packaging. 

Your refrigerator will be clean and smelling clean without harming any food with harsh chemicals.

Freshen up laundry

If you feel your laundry is looking a little dull simply add 20ml of white vinegar into your washing machine. This will help brighten your colours and whiten your whites.

Grass stains

Make a mixture 20ml of white vinegar with 20ml of water. Apply the solution to the stain and blot with a clean cloth.

Repeat this process until you’ve removed as much green as possible, and then wash as usual.

Arm pit stains

A common stain which is so easy to remove using the power of white vinegar simply liberally spray under the arm of the garment, leave 15 minutes and then pop straight into the washing machine.

Cleaning your washing machine

Simply add two 100 ml into the detergent compartment or directly to the drum and then run a hot cycle to freshen up your machine. 

Wash fruit and veg

Vinegar will help remove bacteria and pesticide residues from fruits and vegetables, fill a bowl with water and add in 20ml of white vinegar, leave to soak for 5 minutes, remove then rinse. and dry off.

What Should You Not Clean with Vinegar?

There are many instances when you wouldn’t want to use vinegar, with such great power comes great responsibility!

Here are a few instances when you would want to avoid cleaning with vinegar.

  • Natural stone. Never use vinegar on your natural stone countertops or flooring including granite, marble, and quartz. It can react with the stone and defects in the surface, also causing the stone to become dull and lose its shine.
  • Hardwood floors. I know many people who use vinegar on their hardwood floors! In reality, over time it can dull the shine and sometimes void the warranty of newly installed hardwood floors.
  • Electronic screens. Vinegar can actually strip phones, TVs, and laptops of their protective coating which can enhance glare and even interfere with touch screens.
  • Knives and other metal utensils. Vinegar can corrode the metal and actually dull the knife edges, especially those made of stainless steel.


Drying your Laundry over the winter months

Getting your laundry done when you no longer have the facility of the washing line in the winter can be a real pain. Who really wants to go out in the freezing cold and hang out there washing when the chances are it probably won’t dry. This can make getting your daily laundry done a real chore.  We are left with not many options and one is to dry our clothes indoors, which to me can be really unhealthy and potentially cause mould and mildew.

I have put together some solutions that will hopefully help you out and make the winter laundry more bearable.

Extra spin 

When your laundry cycle  has finished do an extra spin.  You will be surprised at how much this can help with the drying time and how much more water is removed. The washing machine uses less energy than the tumble dryer so this is definitely worth trying.

Tumbe Dryer

Running a tumble drier can be expensive so I highly recommend adding in wool tumble dryer balls these will speed up your drying time, reduce static and prevent your clothes getting tangled. These fabulous balls also give off a fresh scent too so an added bonus! For a small load add in 3 balls and a larger load 6 balls, they will last approx 1000 uses. Just store them in your tumble dryer so you never forget to add them in.

Create a drying space.

If you are lucky enough choose a spare bedroom or unused room for your drying racks . Keep the room well ventilated. Open the windows and shut the door so the fresh air can circulate.

Hang garments

One of my favourite drying tricks is to hang clothes on coat hangers and then hang them on the curtain rail with the window ajar or on the bathroom shower rail.  You will be so surprised at how quickly clothes can dry like this plus it also makes the clothes less creased so much easier to iron, if you need to iron them at all.

Good non slip hangers are essential to keep your garments in shape.

A Dehumidifier

A DEHUMIDIFIER is another great option to help dry cloths. Some of the newer models are so advance and have setting specially designed for drying clothes. The drying mode is very suitable for wet weather or seasons. It can remove excessive moisture from clothes and keep them dry and clean. 

Portable Electric Cloths Dryer

Electric cloths driers are a great alternative to the tumble drier. They are energy efficient, simple and easy to assemble. The heated, thermostatically controlled, lightweight aluminium frames will dry your laundry gently – perfect for delicates like satin & silk that are not suitable for a tumble dryer and cost as little as 10p per hour to run.

Do not over loads radiators

Don’t hang clothes on the actual radiators as this will make your boiler work harder and increase your heating bills. Instead opt for the Radiator airers and you will find the clothes crease less too so much easier to iron. These radiator aires are easily attached to a radiator, and because of the robust arms that keep your clothing safe while they dry, they will remain firmly in place. Folds flat for easy storage when not in use. A plastic covering on the drying rack for clothes gives you the assurance of a long, rust-free life. The arms will firmly stay in place over the radiator, bath, or door, keeping your laundry secure while drying.

Cold and sunny winter day

I love my washing line and still believe the best way of drying clothes is outside. I  will hang some of my washing out to dry outside if it’s a cold sunny winters day.  Light items such as shirts and bedding will dry if they are outside for the majority of the day but when you bring the washing in it will feel cold. By drying our clothes outside we keep them fresh and well aired. This avoids moisture being trapped in the fibres encouraging musty smells that are always unpleasant.  Putting clothes away clean and aired will enhance the life of any garment over time, which means your favourites remain your favourites for longer!

Don’t forget the sun is also a natural disinfectant and bleaching agent so if the sun is out make sure you get it out.

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How to keep your towels soft and fluffy for longer

Towels can often become dull in colour and hard and crispy in touch if not looked after well. We all love a nice fluffy soft towel when getting out of luxurious bubble bath or shower and we want them to last so we get our moneys worth.  The life expectancy of a good towel is 5 to 10 years and the best quality towels are made from premium fibres such as Egyptian cotton.

I have put together few basic steps for you to help keep your towels looking and feeling good longer

Always wash new towels before you use them and wash them alone. Don’t just buy them and hang them up in your bathroom.  Firstly they have been handled in a shop and then transported home so they will pick up many germs. Plus many manufacturers will use chemicals to create a sleek finish. Wash them on a cold wash with detergent and fabric softener and then tumble dry on a low heat.  Then they will be ready for the bathroom. In future you will be not be using fabric conditioner to wash your towels as this wears down the fibres making them less absorbent.

Always wash your towels separately and with no other garments, choice a gentle laundry detergent without additives as this will stop the colour fading and will protect the fibres. My personal choice is SURF laundry detergents in liquid form. For fluffiness adding a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda to the laundry detergent drawer can help bring them back to life and for strong odours add in a capful of white wine vinegar.

Wash your towels at least once a week. But if you a clean freak like me 3 to 4 times a week.

If using a tumble drier always use a low setting and remove them when they are still slightly wet to keep them supple and absorbent. Over heating can wear down the fibres. Then air to dry or put neatly in the airing cupboard.

I love to hang my towels on the line but try not to have the sun directly on them to save the sun from bleaching them. Hide behind another garment or hang in a more shaded area.

When using your towels always hang between washing in an aired bathroom, preferably with the window open.

Never fold or leave on the floor. Hanging towels keeps the mould and mildew at bay and will keep them fresh longer.

Have a separate washing basket for towels. This way they don’t pick up colours from other garments of extra germs.

Follow these simple steps and you will find that your towels stay fluffier and softer longer.

If you are looking to treat yourself to some new towels then Hampton and Astley have given me a unique discount code to share. With this code you will get a set of 7 Egyptians towels half price. They come in 12 different colours.


Each towel in the Hampton and Astley range is made from superior quality 100% Egyptian cotton. The use of these fine cottons affords a soft and supple fabric to the touch and yet one that is durable and long lasting. Furthermore every piece has high absorbency, effortlessly wicking moisture away from the skin to allow for quick and effortless drying.

If you would like to see more of my amazing cleaning tips for the home then click here

As always thank you for reading
Lynsey Queen of Clean xoxo

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