We have had the loveliest summer here in the UK but I get the feeling winter is going to hit us with a real bang. With winter comes the cold and flu season. People will be coughing in supermarkets and the germs will be flying around and unexpectedly hitting us.
During the colder months it is very important to make sure we try to keep our homes germ free. There are a few basic steps we can all do to help stop the spread of germs and keep our homes germ free.
Hand Washing
It still baffles me that people don’t wash their hands as they come out of the toilet! Washing your hands really is important and really does stop the spread of germs. The best way to wash your hand is with warm soapy and whilst washing you should pay particular attention to in between your fingers and count to 15 this way you know you have given your hands a really good clean. Wash your hand as soon as you come in as whilst you are out and about you will be touching many germ hot spots from door handles, shopping trolley, shopping baskets, coffee tables and keyboards.
I have invested in one of these Trolley Bags that acts as a basket for those quick trips to the supermarket. I really do highly recommend getting one.

To get your hand on one of these bags take a look here
Keep a small bottle of hand sanitiser in your handbag or pocket and use this as much as you can whilst out and about. Hand sanitiser won’t kill all the germs but it is certainly better than nothing!
Wipe down sides and door handles in your home.
Use an antibacterial spray and cloth to wipe down items people touch frequently such as phones, door handles, drawers, work surfaces, tables, remote controls, the fridge door, toilet handles and seat, light switches, computer keyboards and so on. if you can try to make a point and do this daily. The dettol antibacterial spray is also really quick and easy to use as all you need to do is simply spray.
Put the toilet seat down when flushing and not in use
Toilets are some of the most germ-infected places in your home. Deep Clean your toilets at least once a week. Try to put down the lid of your toilet seat prior to flushing, to prevent bacteria and germ-infected water from landing on other surfaces in your bathroom, where it can survive for a couple of hours.The germs from your toilet can even hit your ceiling and do not store your toothbrush near your toilet.
Use a good toilet brush too that keeps germs safely locked away. I am a huge fan of this one as it’s not a brush top TOILET BRUSH
Disinfect your cleaning cloths and sponges.
Was these after ever use. There are a few simple ways to keep these clean. Put them in the dishwasher on the top shelf, pop them in the microwave and run for a few minutes. soak them in boiling water and a disinfecting product whilst you are out or put them in the washing machine on a hot wash. The higher the temperature the better as the heat will kill the bacteria.
Shoes off
Do not let anyone wear shoes in your house. Encourage guests to remove their shoes. Leave a basket near the front door to back this up. You don’t want any mud and dirt coming into your home and spreading germs. If anyone is resilient about taking off their shoes due to health and safety etc. Offer them some Shoe covers
Carpet Cleaning
This is a good time of the year to clean your carpets. Try get into the habit of cleaning carpets once a quarter. I have linked here the one I have this is affordable and works very well. Carpet Cleaner
Bedding and towels
Regularly change bedding and towels and avoid sharing them. When finished with you towel make sure you hang it and keep the bathroom window open so your towel airs and driers. Try to prevent towels touching each other when being used by other household members. .
Invest in a Humidifier
Using a humidifier over the winter months can really help. They improve sleep, help you breather better, cough less and improve sinuses. You really don’t have to spend a lot of money on one of these either. I use this one in Jake’s room – Cool Mist humidifier
I hope you have found this useful, you could always wear a face mask but that is not always practical!
Thanks for reading
Lynsey Queen of Clean xoxo
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