
How to keep your flowers lasting longer

No doubt you will receive a beautiful bunch of flowers on special days throughout the year and the longer they last the better.

Here are a few of my clever tips to keep them looking fresher for longer.

Make sure you use a clean vase, many washing up liquids can leave behind a residue, so I suggest cleaning your vase with white vinegar or lemon juice and rinse well.

Cut the stems at a 45-degree angle using sharpen scissors.

Fill your vase with water and add flower food, most bouquets come with a sachet.

Remove any leaves that sit beneath the water line.

Don’t put your flowers in direct sunlight or near a heated radiator.

Keep away from your fruit bowl some fruits can produce high levels of ethylene that can promote ethylene production in cut flowers.

There are also a few additional things you add to the water to keep them lasting longer.

A copper coin such as a 2p piece, these contain antimicrobial properties which will prevent bacteria growing.  

Bleach, a splash of bleach into the water will keep them thriving for longer, the bleach will also prevent the water from becoming cloudy and inhibits bacterial growth.

Hairspray, spritzing hairspray over an arranged vase of flowers will keep them looking pristine for longer without wilting.

Aspirin, crush up an aspirin into your vase of flowers, the aspirin is said to lower the PH level of the water which allows it to travel through the flower faster, again preventing wilting.

White vinegar also lowers the PH level.

Don’t forget to change the water every few days.

For more tips then grab a copy of one of my books and I will show you how to clean your house and tidy up your life