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✨ Happy Windows Wednesday! ✨Aside from trusty white vinegar, this pink one of my absolute favourite products for cleaning windows—it works like a charm! 🪟 One bottle lasts forever, and when I popped into Tesco yesterday, I noticed it’s on reduced to clear. Fingers crossed they’re not discontinuing it because it’s such a gem! 🤞If you’re looking for it, I’ve also spotted it in B&M. Happy cleaning, everyone! 🧼💦 ... See MoreSee Less
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I was just on GMB debating household rubbish collections. Some councils are considering reducing collections to just once a month! 😳We currently have a two-weekly collection, and as a family of 5, our bins are full after just one week—even with recycling and using the compost bin. We also make regular trips to the recycling center, so I can’t imagine going any longer without a collection.I understand the council says it could save £2 billion a year, but I think most of us already recycle well. Reducing collections further might just force people to squeeze everything into the bin, defeating the point!What are your thoughts? Could you manage with a monthly bin collection? 🗑️♻️Dress is from Hopes & Ivy Boots are Olivia Bonas ... See MoreSee Less
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Life is busier than ever with after-school clubs, family members working shifts, and everything else life throws our way! 😅 How do you make mealtime work for your family? Do you still try to sit down and eat together a few times a week, or do you go for one-pot meals where everyone helps themselves when they can? 🍽️ #familymeals #busylife #MealtimeHacks ... See MoreSee Less
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