I am so lucky the lovely team at Hotpoint recently send me a new washing machine. The Ultima S-Line RPD 9467 JGG My washing machine was fine but it had be ...
Washing Machine care
It's so important to keep your washing machine nice and clean as detergent alone isn't enough to keep your clothes smelling nice and fresh. Washing machines ...
How to hang clothes on a washing line
Is there are a right way and a wrong way to hang clothes on the line? You bet there is! If you've ever wondered why your clothes take so long to dry, or wh ...
Washing your Bra’s
Did you know that washing your bra's too often wears out the fabric and elastic? If you want them to last its important to give your bra's a little TLC ...
Washing at lower temperatures
Recently I was asked to appear on BBC radio to discuss washing at lower temperatures. The average family does 400 loads of laundry per year? That calculates out ...
Sustainable spring cleaning tips
As we welcome the vibrant energy of spring, it is the perfect time to refresh our homes. As more and more of us are choosing more eco friendly ways of looking ...
Bed Bugs
How to prevent bed bugs coming into your home after travelling. When staying away When you arrive have a check around for any bugs in the carpet and in t ...
How to get rid of dust mites on soft toys
Dust mites can be a real pain and more often than not they live inside our kids soft toys. Dust mite allergy is one of the most common allergies, and I’m ...
Save time cleaning with these savvy hacks
When life is so busy with work, childcare, socialising, home admin, self care it can be so hard to find the time to squeeze in the housework! When I was on my ...
Fresh bath towels
There is nothing worse than pulling a bath towel from the cupboard and noticing that it does not smell clean. When shopping for new bath towels we naturally ...
Cleaning safety tips
When you are working with chemicals when cleaning your home and reaching into the nooks and crannies of your house, you have to be careful. I was a professiona ...
The best laundry hacks
Most of us don't enjoy doing the laundry. Yet that pile just keeps on getting bigger and bigger. But a few simple tips and tricks can make your life so muc ...