Everything we touch daily is covered in millions of living bacteria but not a lot of us know how often we should clean the items we use all the time. Some bact ...
Cleaning with Vodka
I love to make my own cleaning products using what I already have in the kitchen cupboards. bicarbonate of soda, salt, lemon and white wine vinegar are a few o ...
Dishwasher cleaning
Your dishwasher cleans your plates and dishes so if your dishwasher isn't clean your plates and dishes certainly aren't going to be clean. Lots of people forg ...
Spend less money on your household cleaning
Cleaning your home can be expensive, there are so many wonderful products on the market presented in well-designed pretty bottles but it’s not always necessary ...
Hands up if you hate Oven Cleaning
Oven cleaning is one of the most hated and worse household cleaning tasks. Its one of those jobs that we tend to put off as much as we can. Once you clos ...
Intense Bathroom Cleaning with the Queen of Clean
Bathrooms are one of the worst places in the home for germs and bacteria to really spread so it’s important that we give the bathroom a real deep clean once a ...
10 General Cleaning Hacks for around the home.
I have rounded up some of my favourite cleaning tips for you to help keep your home extra clean and pristine. Some of these are so easy and simple to do and wi ...
The many uses of Bicarbonate of soda in the home
As you can see from my Instagram posts I use a lot of Bicarbonate of soda in my daily cleaning. This idea came from my great Nan who always had pots of i ...
How to clean your Microwave
The Microwave is one of those kitchen appliances many of us put off cleaning. Its one of those items that is out of sight out of mind and as long as the outsi ...
Queen of Clean step by step Spring Clean
Spring is well and truly here, making it the perfect time to pull on your marigold gloves and get organising and cleaning your home. Time to load up your car ...