Sticky Halloumi

Sticky Halloumi served on a bed of green salad is another perfect summertime lunch and to cook the halloumi you can also use the BBQ which gives it extra flavour. Services two.


• 1 block of halloumi light 
• 3 tbsp of honey 
• 1 lemon 
• Olive oil 
• Thyme 


1. Slice the halloumi approx 1cm thick
2. Place in a tight container
3. Squeeze the lemon and cover the halloumi with the juice
4. Add in the honey
5. Pop the lid on and shake well so the cheese is all covered
6. Sprinkle the thyme
7. Then leave to marinate for a few hours, the longer you leave it the tastier it will be
8. Add the olive oil to a frying pan and then fry on each size for approx 2/3 minutes
9. Serve with salad 
10. (Optional) If you like a little kick you can add some chilli to this recipe


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